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Enterprise Java and Web Services
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Java EE (J2EE) and EJB Books Java Web Frameworks (MVC, Struts, JSF, etc.) Books
Web Services Books Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) Books
Java Build and Testing Books Java Servlet and JSP Books
Java Enterprise Performance (Alois Reitbauer, et al.)
O'Reilly® Spring Data: Modern Data Access for Enterprise Java ©2012 (Jon Brisbin, Oliver Gierke, et al)
Spring by Example ©2008-2012 (David Winterfeldt, Vaan Nila)
Using WebSphere Application Server Community Edition 2.1
Good Relationships – The Spring Data Neo4j Guide Book ©2012 (Michael Hunger)
Patterns: Integrating WebSphere ILOG JRules with IBM Software ©2011 (Chris Rayns, et al)
Getting started with WebSphere Application Server Community Edition ©2010 (Jiang Lin Quan, et al)
Spring Recipes: A Problem-Solution Approach, 2nd Edtion ©2010 (Gary Mak) 752 pages
Tutorial: Java, Maven 2, Eclipse and JSF ©2010 (Arulkumaran Kumaraswamipillai, et al)
Tutorial: Hibernate, Spring, HSQL, Eclipse and Maven ©2010 (Arulkumaran Kumaraswamipillai, et al)
OSGi In Practice ©2009 (Neil Bartlett)  
Java Authentication and Authorization Service (JAAS) in Action ©2005-2009 (Michael Cote)
Java Transaction Design Strategies ©2006 (Mark Richards) 116 pages
Designing Web Services with the J2EE 1.4 Platform: JAX-RPC, SOAP, and XML ©2005 (Inderjeet Singh, et al)
Java Application Development for CICS ©2005-2009 (Chris Rayns, et al)
The Java Web Services Tutorial ©2005 (Eric Armstrong, Stephanie Bodoff, et al) 528 pages
Java Web Services Architecture ©2003 (James McGovern, Sameer Tyagi, Michael Stevens, Sunil Mathew)
Java Message Service API Tutorial and Reference: Messaging for the J2EE Platform ©2002
Designing Enterprise Applications with the J2EE Platform, 2nd Edition ©2002 (Inderjeet Singh, et al)[Mirror]
O'Reilly® The Java Enterprise CD Bookshelf - 7 Bestselling Books on CD-ROM ©2001
JNDI API Tutorial and Reference: Building Directory-Enabled Java Applications ©2000 (Rosanna Lee)
Factoring JavaBeans in the Enterprise ©1997 (IBM Redbooks) 358 pages
Thinking in Enterprise Java [Mirror] Java Management Extensions (JMX) Technology Tutorial
Application Development with VisualAge for Java Enterprise (Ueli Wahli, et al)
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