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O'Reilly® What Is HTML5? A New Way to Look at the Web
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  • Title What Is HTML5? A New Way to Look at the Web
  • Author(s) Brett McLaughlin
  • Publisher: O'Reilly Media (July 13, 2011)
  • Paperback: N/A
  • eBook Formats: DAISY, ePub, Mobi (27 pages), PDF (10 pages)
  • Language: English
  • ISBN-10/ASIN: B005ISQ7JM
  • ISBN-13: N/A
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Book Description

HTML5: Everyone’s using it, nobody knows what it is. I realize that sounds more like a line out of an existential movie — maybe Waiting for Godot or a screenplay by Sartre — than a statement about HTML5. But it’s really the truth: most of the people using HTML5 are treating it as HTML4+, or even worse, HTML4 (and some stuff they don’t use). The result? A real delay in the paradigm shift that HTML5 is almost certain to bring. It’s certainly not time to look away, because by the time you look back, you may have missed something really important: a subtle but important transition centered around HTML5.

This short book provides the basic information you'll need to start creating the next generation of HTML5 websites. It covers all the base knowledge required for standards-compliant, semantic, modern website creation. It also covers the full HTML5 ecosystem and the associated APIs that complement the core HTML5 language.

About the Authors
  • Brett McLaughlin is a bestselling and award-winning non-fiction author. His books on computer programming, home theater, and analysis and design have sold in excess of 100,000 copies. He has been writing, editing, and producing technical books for nearly a decade, and is as comfortable in front of a word processor as he is behind a guitar, chasing his two sons and his daughter around the house, or laughing at reruns of Arrested Development with his wife.
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